WELS Minnesota District President
I was born and raised on a dairy farm west of Menomonie, Wisconsin. After graduating from Martin Luther Prep School in 1980, I received preseminary training at Northwestern College, Watertown, Wisconsin. In 1988 I graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and was assigned to my first call at St. Peter, Darwin, Minnesota. In June of 1988 I was married to Cindy Most. Our gracious God blessed our union with three children. After serving 6 years in Darwin, I accepted the call to serve Holy Trinity, New Hope in 1994. It has been a great privilege and blessing to serve and partner with the saints of Holy Trinity in the gospel ministry. In 2018 I was elected to be the District President of the Minnesota district. That means I will balance my time at Holy Trinity and helping other churches in the area. I look forward to serving your spiritual needs in any way I can.
My name is Yaffet. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. I graduated from Martin Luther College in 2017. In July 2019, my wonderful wife Emma (née Hirsch) and I were married. God has blessed us with our son, Eliyas, and our daughter, Keziah. In 2019-2020, I served as a Vicar (pastoral intern) at Sure Foundation in Queens, NYC. After graduating from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2021, I was assigned to serve as a dormitory supervisor and religion teacher at Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, WI. After serving two years at Luther Prep, I was reassigned to serve alongside the compassionate and gospel-loving members here at Holy Trinity Lutheran in May of 2023. I enjoy discussing God's word and getting to know the community and surrounding cultures.